The children we support are orphaned or have no adults to support them. They live alone or in family groups and have no income. In South Africa there is no welfare state to support the children apart from grants. Accessing them often involves complex red tape. There is a child benefit grant and a foster care grant for children under 18.
Both grants require documentation which must be presented to a magistrate for approval. This whole system is daunting to a child and Social Welfare workers are overwhelmed with the magnitude of the problem. Education is not free.
Although the government has said that vulnerable children should get free education, the reality in the townships is that government money tends not to reach the schools. For all these reasons the project supports children, referred to us, to complete their education.
Food Vouchers are a very important part of the support that we give to these vulnerable children. There is very little social welfare support and many of the orphans do not qualify for grants or find the process of getting them overbearing.
As one child quoted “it’s very difficult to learn when your tummy is empty”. In collaboration with the Spar supermarket, we have a voucher system whereby each sibling group on our list gets a food voucher every 2 weeks to spend on basic necessities. The management at Spar have been incredibly supportive over the 10 years we have worked with them. They notify us if children don’t turn up, have given them Christmas jobs and generally help to keep an eye on things.
They now employ a number of our youngsters who didn’t wish to go onto higher education.
We now have Vine supporters who sponsor individual children in the project. One person is sponsoring uniform for a particular child, one travelling costs to save the 2 mile walk to and from school, one person is sponsoring the travel cost of our university student and another pays for the food vouchers that feed one of our families.

Vine has helped 100s of children over the years
Here are just a few of them:
The Vine Family
As many of the youngsters live in remote areas outside the township we feel that it is important that they know that they are part of a family. We at the Vine project try to provide a sense of togetherness and show that people care.
During the visits made by Pat and Sonia and other committee members we collect the children together as often as possible to encourage this family feeling. Every Friday afternoon after school the children attend a Youth Group meeting in the Community centre where they chat, play and have fun. We have workshops and discussion sessions where they can talk about any problems and general concerns. We provide refreshments and the opportunity for a private conversation and most importantly encourage them to make friends. We arrange an annual outing, either a visit to the cinema or a night away at an environmental centre where the children can relax and enjoy themselves. For our 10th Anniversary we took a large group away for a weekend of fun. The photos speak for themselves.
When we set up the Vine project in 2008 we did not envisage there were so many bright youngsters who would need support through University. We soon discovered that many of these young people just needed the opportunity to prove their ability and with hard work to open up the opportunities that a university degree could provide for them.
As orphans and lone children many are entitled to a bursary. Vine supports them with guidance, money to register and help with the paperwork needed for their applications. None of this is easy to obtain. Once accepted at University most need furnishings for their rooms, including things like bedding and pots and pans for cooking. In practise grants and bursaries are often paid late or not at all for extended periods. Vine supports our students to enable them to carry on studying.
These are just some of the graduation photos. They have obtained degrees in such subjects as – Geography and the Environment, Town Planning., Social Welfare, Education and Sports Science, IT and business studies and some have graduated with honours.
We are so proud of them all for their achievements.
Much of our funding comes from regular donations by standing order from individual supporters. This has been particularly important during the pandemic. In addition we give talks and run special fundraising events.
We give regular talks at local societies and church groups to raise awareness of the project, find new supporters and raise funds. We also sell authentic Zulu jewellery made by locals in the township. This gives the makers a fair trade income and the profits go to the project. We also run special fundraising events such as race evenings, afternoon teas and quizzes. However our ability to raise funds in these ways has been much curtailed by the impact of lockdown.
If you are interested in supporting The Vine Project please get in touch
enquiries@thevineproject.org.uk / 07900 273774
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